Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I can't wait for it. However, I have a feeling sitting at home with my parents won't be the best of times. You just want to relax and let your head chill for a bit and they see it as being lazy. So yeah it would have been better to go to Florida, but how could you beat 22 degrees and cloudy with winds 15 mph out of the north for a week. I wish everyone a great spring break, and if you are to old to have on then well that just sucks for you and I will soon be joining you on that miserable path called a full time job. :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I burnt a bridge. I tore off the supports and let it crash into the water. I needed the bridge, but the bridge was bad. It was old, it was falling apart, ready to crumble had the waters risen any higher. Would have it been better to let it fall on its own or did I do the right thing? I can't tell you that now. What I do know now is that I have to rebuild it. Make a strong foundation, with stronger supports. I hope...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Breaking Point

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You are never promised it would be quick or simple. You can't give up, so you plow ahead into the muddy waters. With no compass, no guiding light you trudge into the abyss. Each step is a struggle as the muck tries to pull you down and your skin is pierced from the branches above. Your limbs ache with every move and your chest burns with every breath. The progress you make in comparison to the effort you have made makes you wish you had never ventured into the water, but it's to late. So you have a choice to give up and sink into the depths without a struggle or press on, in what seems like vain, hoping for firm ground.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I'm Old... ish

22 events I'll never forget

1. Sitting in my mom's laundry basket with all my toys in my own little world
2. My first puppy falling asleep in my night shirt that was like a dress on me
3. Playing my first soccer game for the Chiquita Bananas
4. Dropping a cement block on my foot while trying to let the dog out
5. Learning how to ride my bike without any help
6. Going to my grandma's house where she feed me popcorn and bread sticks
7. Fishing at my grandma's house and also catching squirrels under milk crates
8. Playing baseball so I could go to the Dairy Boy after for my medium twist
9. Playing football in the parking lot of my elementary school
10. Getting subs every Sunday after church with the Weatherups
11. Taking the car out of gear and rolling it down the drive way (long story)
12. Playing hockey, football, and baseball with Trevor, Ryan, and Justin
13. Shooting my first buck with a bow
14. Locking my sister and her two friends out of the house
15. Skiing at the Knob
16. Catching my first trout on a fly rod
17. First night hanging out with Kelly, Kelly, Danny, and Eric
18. Crashing the Suburban and pretty much getting away with it
19. Random pididle road trips with Ashely, Alex, Sarah, Kyle, and Cassie
20. Celebration when I got slapped in the face.... again and again and again
21. Winning Nationals and losing the next year
22. Trip to England with the boys across the pond

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Eye Opener

Please bear with me with these postings. I hope to get the hang of it eventually.

It has come to my attention that I am not nearly as smart as I once believed. I know this may come as a shock to some of you, but after review of the last year I can come to no other conclusion. The fact is that I took pride in being able to read people by making assumptions based on their actions and other various factors. Upon these assumptions I formed beliefs about people that are not even close to being accurate. Sure I could pick out the small unimportant details that most people would label as random, but the assumptions I made on larger issues were way off the mark. Now me being the stubborn guy that I am tries to fix all the problems I have with what I believe is right. Most of my problems dealt with relationships regarding my faith, family, and friends. In allll of my wisdom, I began to set things right in my eyes. I was bold because I thought I knew the truth. I thought I understood the people around me completely and that they understood me. Now looking back on what I have done I can only see how wrong I was. I never fully expressed myself to them, but more importantly I didn't take the time to really understand them. I was blinded by pride and arrogance. I became confused when my "fool proof" plan didn't work out. I laugh at myself now because of how much I had overlooked. How in any "relationship" can one make choices for both parities involved? Relationship is defined as a state involving mutual dealings between people. I went with what I knew because I was right, instead of coming to an understanding based on what we felt was best. The best intentions can be easily side track, but I think that's why we have relationships to keep those intentions in check. I bulldozed my way through the people I cared about destroying what we had. Now I have tried to back off, taking the foot off the gas. It is about the we, us, and our instead of the I, me, and mine. Sounds so simple, but I get distracted so easily.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Drinking Some Tea

This is an experiment. I hate computers and most things technological.